Features of rail transportation from China

Delivery of goods from China by rail is a very popular type of cargo transportation. In this way, large consignments of goods are usually transported over long distances, as well as bulky goods, equipment, bulk substances, raw materials, construction materials. In some cases, transportation from China to Georgia by train is an alternative option for sea transportation of goods.
Freight transportation from China by rail is in demand not only among large, but also among medium and small businesses.
This is due to the following advantages:
Independence from weather and climatic conditions;
Ability to transport goods of any type and weight;
Increased throughput of railway stations;
Extensive geography of route directions;
Affordable cost.
Main routes
Delivery of goods from China to Georgia by rail is carried out: through the territory of China, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan. 
The time of railway transportation from China to Georgia, on average, takes 25-30 days.
As a rule, goods from China are sent from major hubs and ports to Urumqi, and then sent to their destination.
Note: The cost of rail transportation from China depends on the point of departure to the point of destination.

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